Working with one of the rarest birds in the world: The Hooded Grebe Project/Projecto Macá Tobiano
Jan 2015
By: Laura Crawford Williams
The Frontera Wildlife team recently returned from working with Projecto Macá Tobiano on La Meseta Lago de Buenos Aires in southern Patagonia, in Patagonia National Park. Laura and her Frontera Wildlife team just completed a 3 yearlong project working with the Conservación Patagonica (a member of the Tompkins Conservation family) in addition to Aves Argentinas. The goal was to photograph as much of the flora and fauna as possible on the land acquired for the ‘future’ Patagonia National Park. This includes the extremely endangered Hooded Grebe (Maca Tobiano – Facebook). Most of our success was as a result of the generous help given by Hernán Casañas, project director. The park was made official by the Argentinean government in November 2014. The images and videos are being used in educational presentations as well as promotional videos.
The Macá Tobiano (Hooded Grebe) is one of the most endangered animals in Argentina. Conservationists were recently rewarded for their long, hard efforts to protect the grebe, when the creation of Patagonia National Park became a reality in December 2015. The primary nesting area for the Hooded Grebe is now protected within park boundaries. See Edwin Harvey’s ‘behind the scenes’ portfolio of images from the trip.