Artblend launch & gallery exhibit
Jan 2018
By: Laura Crawford Williams
Event Recap: Wildlife Photographer, Laura Crawford Williams, Captures the Energy of the Wild at her Book Launch Party
BOCA RATON, Fla., Dec. 27, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Internationally recognized and award-wining photographer, Laura Crawford Williams, hit a wild win at her book release party at the ArtBlend Gallery in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on Saturday, December 16th for her fascinating new book, “Wildlife and Wild Lands”.
Wildlife lovers, conservationists, family and friends all joined together to support Laura as she gave the guests a glimpse of her eight year journey through Southern South American wildlife. The vivid imagery of her wild adventures was displayed throughout the gallery walls and captivated event-goers, leaving everyone with a desire for exploration. Laura Crawford Williams signed and sold over 20 new copies as many attendees were struck with the desire to purchase the stunning table-top book.
“Simply listening to Laura speak about the adventures and efforts behind these images gave me goosebumps,” said TransMedia Group President, Adrienne Mazzone, “standing in front of her masterpieces was like getting a glimpse into her travels.”
Laura’s photography collection emphasizes the beauty of the wilderness. In continuous efforts to accentuate this natural beauty at the event, florists developed a gorgeous ambiance, while Hell’s Kitchen celebrity chef Bret Hauser whipped up some earthy flavors.
Over 100 attendees were thrilled to meet Laura and get a taste of her breathtaking book, which was on display along with an Exclusive Edition for those holiday gift-seekers. Laura is set to hit the scene of many bookstores around the world and “Wildlife in Wild Lands” has already received commendable reviews from Kirkus and BlueInk. Stay on your toes for future adventures from Laura which are sure to inspire others to take a walk on the wild side.
Be sure to purchase Laura’s book “Wildlife and Wild Lands” and follow TransMedia on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to stay updated on all of her upcoming book signing events that you won’t want to miss. If you would like to schedule Laura Crawford Williams for an interview, please reach out for more information.
Contact: Rebecca Shpektor; 561-750-9800 Ex:2220
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